Una marca de Continental.


ATE: una marca comercial de Continental Corporation

Como encontrarnos

Nuestras oficinas centrales están en Frankfurt, Alemania, aunque contamos con delegaciones en diferentes paises:

Continental Aftermarket GmbH
Division Interior
BU Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket

Postfach (lockbox) 90 01 20
60441 Frankfurt am Main
Guerickestrasse 7

Phone: +49 1805-221242
Mon to Fri 9am - 12pm and 1-5pm
(0,14€/min from German landline, 
max. 0,42€/min from German mobile network)

Fax: +49 69 761061

Contacto en España

Continental Automotive Spain:
C/Sepúlveda 11
28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
Tel. +34 91657 21 21
Fax.+34 91 657 21 51


ATE en el resto de países

Continental Automotive Trading France SAS
1 rue de Clairefontaine - BP 65

Continental Automotive Trading Italia S.r.l., - Divisione ATE
Via Matteotti, 62
I-20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) - Italia
Tel. +39 0235680.1
Fax +39 0235680325

Continental Automotive Spain
S.A.C/ Sepúlveda, 11
E-28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
Tel: +34 0 91 657 21 21 

North America
Continental Interior Division
BU Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket
6755 Snowdrift Road
Allentown, PA 18106
Tel: 800 564 5066 or 610 366 8489
Fax: 800 752 7224 or 610 366 9837
E-mail: salessupport-us@ate-na.com

Central and South America
Continental Brasil Industria Automotiva Ltda.
1st Floor
R. Endres 1424
07043-000 Guarulhos Itapegica
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tel: +55 (0) 800 7700 107

Compliance & anticorruption

Continental has registered its fundamental values and ethical standards such as integrity, honesty and legal compliance in the Code of Conduct, the BASICS, and the Corporate Governance Principles. Our company culture is oriented around these fundamental values.

If you discover any irregularities that do not match up with our basic values, you can let us know through our hotline. It goes without saying that behaving with engagement and integrity will not have any disadvantages. All the same, you can of course also contact us anonymously.

Further information and contact

Contact us

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